How we work.

All our projects are unique and the datasets varies a lot. Still, there are some stages of the process with equal character.

Proof of concept.

Proof of concept is often offered for free to verify the potential of the project. You provide us with historical data, we do setup and offer three months of usage.

At this stage, we analyze the influencing factors of the historical data and do re-forecasting over the last years to discover the expected forecast accuracy. We offer up to three months of operational forecast data.


Value creation.

After verifying the potential of the project, we focus on the value creation. We want all our clients to have a clear profit using our services. We identify benefits and see if any organizational changes are needed.

This is the stage of “go-no go”. We give the advice, it is the costumers choice to go on.


Operational setup.

When the value creation is confirmed, it is time for operational setup of integrations with dataflow in both directions. This stage of the project is for operational model setup and tuning.


Operational delivery.

The last stage is where the delivery is running as a managed service. We monitor and tune the forecast daily and do weekly or monthly status meetings with the client.